New Research From America’s Top Glute Doctor Proves…
This 6-Minute Booty Sculpt
Lifts Your “Saggy Butt”...
PERKIER Glutes Starting in
Just 19 days
The incredible 7-part video series below unveils how to transform your flat butt from home… without heavy lifting or cardio…
Thousands across America are changing their lives (& filling out their jeans) with this gentle sculpt…
Dear Reader,
If you’ve been told that in order to get a fuller, rounder, perkier butt — you need to squat heavy weights, do dangerous deadlifts...
… or that you need to spend 5 hours a week in the yoga… pilates … or spin studio…
… or even worse, if you’ve been told you’ll need liposuction or transplants to keep up with the curvy models and their incredible glutes…
Then let me warn you right now:
Please don’t do ANY of it!
Because tens of thousands of people with weak, flat butts...
Sometimes known as pancake bum, mom butt, saggy butt, or cottage cheese butt…
Are transforming their glutes with the gentle 6-minute booty sculpt I’ll reveal to you today.
Today you can join them, following a few simple moves, and:
19 Days From Now You’ll Barely
Recognize Your New “Bubble” Butt
This simple sculpt eliminates cellulite… adds strength fast…
...and makes your butt look fuller from EVERY angle.
680,000 women & men are using it to achieve remarkable tone…
...enhance their curves… and best of all:
Shape their glutes without expensive yoga classes, hiring a trainer, or spending a fortune on fancy equipment.
In the next 3 minutes, you’ll discover:
- The findings of a weird identical twin experiment, that proves this move is the ultimate nice-booty “shortcut”... regardless of your genetics!
- The embarrassing story my client Sue wants to share about her butt (don’t worry, it’s SFW: “Safe for Work” and she’s happy to share it) — it could save you months of unneeded pain.
- Why Dr. Oz can’t quit talking about this 5-inch move.
- The little-known “4th Glute Dimension” most glute programs miss... how it drives the lift, roundness & size of your booty… plus the shocking study proving it’s more than TWICE as effective as squats.
So please, if you’ve struggled with program after program…
If you’ve spent hundreds of dollars on pilates,
yoga, or barre... this gentle sculpt replaces ALL of them
(and you can do it on your living room carpet)
If you feel like your butt still droops towards the back of your knees — flat, saggy and sad...
Then today is the day you’ve been waiting for.
Starting today, you can join thousands of Americans using it already…
People like Sandra, Filippa, and Roseanne who are using moves like the one I’ll reveal today to achieve the incredible:
Sandra Johnson from Red Cliff, CO says:
“My waist is smaller than ever, my butt is perkier, my clothes look good. I feel better than I have in years.”
Filippa Ettala from Cardiff, CA says:
“It has incredibly been helping me to build up strength in my lower back and lower body, particularly my glutes, which I think had not been functioning/firing, and so other muscles had compensated, which left my lower back struggling.”
Roseanne Springer from Lee’s Summit, MO says:
“I have great results. My butt is high, round and awesome!”
Can you imagine turning heads again… your friends whispering to each other, wondering what your secret is.
People from every type of background are developing strong, sexy butts.
Because this move — and the way I’ll show you how to use it below — is GUARANTEED to work for you even if:
You’re 45, 65, or even 75 years or older…
You’ve never set foot in a gym...
You hate working out …
You have tired, pain-ridden joints…
You feel like you’ve been cursed with bad genetics.
If this sounds too good to be true, or like some overblown late-night TV promise… let me be clear: this it not hype.
This is based on groundbreaking new muscle research from institutions like Arizona State University, Auckland University, and The Journal of Applied Biomechanics .
And it taps directly into your 4th Glute Dimension, which I’ll explain today...
Activating a hidden set of muscles... and unlocking the incredible butt that’s been “trapped” inside of you.
For the first time in years, or maybe decades, you can:
Get a toned “apple bottom” your friends will
envy & your spouse will drool over... from the gentle
sculpting move Dr. Oz is raving about
Not only is it possible starting in less than 3 weeks…
You can begin this sculpting flow today, after this short presentation...
With a video series of gentle sculpting moves… that take only 10 minutes per day.
(And yes, even America’s most famous M.D. — Dr. Oz loves this move. He did it on TV in front of thousands!)[1]
But before that, it’s critical you understand the journey behind my discovering today’s special move…
Because it could help you avoid potential months or years of injury-induced pain.[6]
It all began with my client Sue from Topeka, KS.
She had tried everything to get back the tight, curvy body she used to have.
One day, she emailed me saying:
“Rick, I spent $843 in the last few months
on yoga, barre, and pilates... and my bum is
still flatter than a pancake”
I’m Rick Kaselj, MS. The founder of Exercises for Injuries.
This is an interaction with one of my clients, but a quick warning...
PLEASE NOTE: This story is not for the faint of heart.
Yet it’s critical to saving your joints… while getting a healthy, round butt you‘ll adore.
Ready? Great.
Sue continued her email to me:
“I’m just going to start lifting heavier weights, that HAS to work right?..."
“I’m tired of spending money and wasting time when none of these classes are working.”
My ears perked up because I knew Sue had bad knees.
So I emailed her as fast as I could:
“Sue, you can lift weights, but there are 3 VERY IMPORTANT STEPS you must follow”
Step 1) Start SMALL, this allows you to make the next step possible…
Step 2) Focus on FORM before reps. Do NOT let the weight control you, it should be the other way around…
Step 3) Watch these videos three times each, so you understand proper form & alignment.”
So I sent her a few links to videos I’d made, and hoped she wouldn’t rush things.
Her next email floored me:
She ignored this critical
mini-lesson on building glute muscle &
it nearly destroyed her knees…
Needless to say, Sue didn’t follow the steps…
Her first day in the gym, she went straight to the leg press machine.
By her 8th repetition, she was struggling…
She couldn’t push the weight off her.
Thankfully, someone helped get the weight off her legs.
She was traumatized, and spent the next 3 weeks on crutches.
When I learned about Sue’s terrifying experience — I knew there had to be a better way.
(And don’t worry, she made a full recovery since then.)
So I opened my rolodex, and sifted through the world’s top fitness experts.
Calling people I’ve met over the decades traveling to world health conferences… doctors I’ve met and interviewed… and people who owe me, for favors I’ve done over the years.
After an important tip, I holed myself up in my Rocky Mountain office for nearly two weeks…
Mountains of research piled up on my desk…
(My wife not-so-subtly asked when my last shower was.)
But after 100+ hours of analysis, I’d figured it out… and I’d like to share a key piece of it right now:
This Photo Could RUIN Big Fitness
(It’s Also the Key to Unlocking Your Best Butt)
See, contained in this simple photo is the TRUTH about why you’ve struggled to get a nice bum.
If you’ve only noticed tiny, barely-visible gains in the mirror…
It’s because most movements ignore your 4th Glute Dimension — the most important part of unlocking great glutes.
See, your 4th Glute Dimension is actually a plane of movement. In the way that squats go up-and-down, this type of move has its own movement plane.
(Hip thrusts are one way to do it, yet they barely scratch the surface… and today’s booty sculpt )
Let’s take a look:

After those weeks holed up in my office, it hit me like a ton of bricks when I finally realized it:
This secret move could ruin big fitness — while giving you the key to your perky, strong glutes just waiting to be unlocked.
As the photo shows, hip thrusts activate your 4th Glute Dimension.
(Focusing on your 4th Dimension is shown to be more than TWICE as effective than the squat.)[5]
But there’s dozens more… even more powerful…
And they’re ALL in the 6-minute booty sculpt I’ve developed.
It’s based on scientifically-validated studies that show anyone can get these results.
Science that proves what the fitness industry taught for decades…
Is completely wrong.
So let’s examine a few cold hard facts about your body — and your booty — the fitness industry doesn't want you to know.
Fact #1:
Cardio Can Kill Your Glute Gains
(Even Make You Drop Dead)
If that sounds extreme, consider what Dr. James O’Keefe told a massive crowd at a TEDx talk in Kansas City:
He’s the Director of Preventive Cardiology at the Saint Luke's Mid America Heart Institute, and James has been running his whole 56-year life.
“I’m worried I may have made a lethal mistake, and I hope it’s not too late.”[4]
What’s more, one of America’s top glute experts recently wrote:
“Cardio doesn’t build shape… and too much
Cardio will prevent you from getting stronger.
The stronger the booty, the better the booty.”
And this isn’t just a couple rebel doctors who’ve gone off the rails.
I read dozens and dozens of medical research papers CONFIRMING it.
“Running from health: the perils of jogging.”
— Clear Health Now
That’s why there’s zero cardio involved in today’s 6-minute booty sculpt.
Now, let’s look at another common piece of misinformation.
Fact #2:
99% of Fitness Classes
Are Terribly Inefficient for
Glute Gains
Don’t get me wrong:
Workouts like yoga, barre, spin, HIIT, and pilates can be GREAT for you, and fun.
But if you’re trying to gain a fuller, rounder butt & a skinnier waist — these classes are HORRIBLY inefficient.
Think about it like this — if you had to cross 30 miles of deep snow — would you:
- Trudge up to your knees in snow… sinking at every step… taking days to get there…
- Or would you hop on the snowmobile, and drive across in an hour?
It’s simple…
You can perform movements that grow your glutes efficiently, inefficiently, or not at all.
These classes are inefficient at shaping your glutes…
There are two main reasons:
First, these classes focus on cardio, and you just learned how cardio doesn’t build shape…[7]
(Not to mention the sky-high prices. Stick around today, and you won’t pay even a fraction of those membership fees for my simple solution…)
Second, they ignore your 4th Glute Dimension.
That’s what the third fact is all about, but before we dive into it…
I need to share with you the strange experiment I found buried under piles of research…
And how it proves decades of glute “experts” dead wrong:
Why Does Brazil Have The
Best Butts in the World?
(Hint: It’s not plastic surgery)
In 1954, the Brazilian Miss Universe contestant Martha Roche lost the competition for one reason:
Her hips were 2 inches larger than the contest allowed!
In other words, her behind was ahead of the times. Not for Brazil… because every year at the infamous Carnival celebration…
Curvy, sculpted bodies dance in the streets for a week straight.
In fact, men rank the female derriere as the #1 factor in sexual attraction (and women require it in men too!)
That’s why I sought out Brazil’s hidden moves 99% of fitness trainers don’t teach…
And packed them into the 6-minute booty sculpt below, so you don’t have to go to Rio to transform your glutes.
Ready to get started now? Click HERE to claim your free gift ...
A Weird Twin Experiment Proves This “4th Dimension”
Move is 40% Better than Squats (With Zero Knee Strain)
What’s more, squats and deadlifts do nothing to access your 4th Glute Dimension.
One of America’s leading exercise scientists ran a simple experiment… but the findings are PROFOUND.
- One twin sister did nothing but squats for 6 weeks.
- The other twin focused entirely on the 4th Dimension I’ve been talking about today.
Can you guess what happened?
The second twin — who did the 4D move, noticed:
Her glutes grew BIGGER and ROUNDER than
her sister (without hurting her knees, neck or back)
Astounding. It wasn’t just her imagination, either...
Measurements showed she increased her upper glute thickness by 40%...[3]
Grew her lower glute thickness by 33%... rounding her WHOLE butt… from every angle.
Was she thrilled? You bet she was!
(And you can bet her jealous sister quit squatting for good.)
Not in the last two decades of exercise science has a result stunned fitness insiders like this one.
This little-known study goes hand-in-hand with our final fact today:
Fact #3:
Squats & Deadlifts Are Not Necessary For
Getting Firmer, Rounder Glutes
(In Fact, They Can Be Extremely
Dangerous to Your Health)
No, you don’t need squats or deadlifts to shape a butt that turns heads…
...or to turn a saggy butt perky again.
(Stick to the series of movements below — that hyper-target your 4th Glute Dimension — and that’s all you need.)
According to the world’s foremost glute expert Dr. Contreras,
Improper squats and deadlifts are highly dangerous.[2]
Because most people experience wrist, elbow, arm, shoulder, low back, hip, and knee pain during squatting…
Which throws your alignment out of whack…
And forces your body to “compensate” — which is a kinesiologist’s fancy term for saying:
Your body is so overstressed, it’s trying to do double the work, and hurting itself in the process.
Nobody wants that.

Today’s 6-minute booty sculpt is the best way to lift & round your rear, with more strength to boot…
Plus, the twin experiment also showed it takes LESS time to perform.
But here’s the rub:
I’m always hunting for a better way to help you achieve your best body…
And when I realized just a few renegade doctors and trainers knew about this miracle move, I couldn’t accept that. So I set out to discover a way to bring it to as many people as possible.
It became the #1 focus of my team.
After analyzing thousands of movement combinations we identified:
The BEST 30 sculpting moves for lifting a flat butt.
Yet, that still wasn’t good enough.
Which is why I had to add in the special gift I’ve mentioned today, which you can see below if supplies are still in stock.
After 25+ years in the fitness & wellness industries, helping hundreds of thousands live their best lives...
This is — without a doubt — my greatest glute-training system to date:
Glute Lifter Pro

If you’ve been waiting to wave goodbye to saggy, flat, weak glutes forever…
And hello to strong, high, round booty you’ll love… this is the day you’ve been waiting for.
(PLEASE NOTE: It costs nothing to review details here, & you’ll still have time to review your order if the 170 slots aren’t yet filled)
The first program specifically designed to unlock the hidden potential in your glutes…
By activating your little-known 4th Glute Dimension.
Following these 30 movements on video -- you’ll lift, round & tone your butt starting in just 19 days. Guaranteed.
Even better, you can get started in just 10 minutes per day. And you won’t run the risk of injury with heavy weights, intense cardio, or jarring high intensity training.
Because it doesn’t matter if you’re 40, 50, or over 60… if you suffer from back, hip, shoulder, or knee pain…
Or if your butt has been flat for the last four decades. If you’re reading this, your 4th Glute Dimension has likely been ignored your whole life… all you have to do to shape your butt —- is activate it.
Which means Glute Lifter Pro will work for you.
If you’re wondering just how powerful this can be, think about this…
You already discovered the quick glute-raise you can expect from this program…
But that’s just the beginning.
7 days from now, those pesky “cottage cheese”
dimples will start smoothing out...
With added strength, and more balanced muscles...[9]
Many say their lower back pain starts disappearing…[8]
They’re going about their day with more confidence, getting more done…
And increase their amount of physical activities.
Imagine dancing… biking…
… gardening… or just climbing stairs without losing your breath...
Living with less effort, and more joy than you’ve felt in years.
And because each set of these movements build on each other -- the sky is truly the limit.

You could see results like Denise Griebel from Arlington, VA who says:
“My glutes are a lot stronger and I can see the difference in the mirror. A must buy for people that lack a butt.”

Georgia Sullivan from Portland, Maine says:
“I have never felt stronger, more sexy... after only 5 weeks of following the program. Me, who never had any real muscle after years of yoga and cardio.”

Rebecca Tobin from Casper, WY says:
“I’ve notice improvement in shape, lift and firmness of my booty and also my abs.”
Want results like these, in as little as 19 days?
Normally, you’d have to hire me at my hourly rate of $300 / hr.
And with hours of science-backed video content inside Glute Lifter Pro… you’d be looking at a price tag in the thousands of dollars.
However, like I told you, it’s my mission to bring this to as many people as possible…
So if you act today, you can receive this remarkable glute transformation — for just $17.
Choose your preferred option below and click the BUY NOW button to get started.
Good Deal
Instant Access to Digital Version ONLY

Get a digital copy of the Glute Lifter Pro available for instant download anywhere in the world. Also get instant access to the following bonuses:

Download it to your computer, tablet, or smartphone for instant access today!
Your Discounted Price: $17
Best Deal
FREE Mini Bands Shipped!
Instant Access to Digital Version

Get a digital copy of the Glute Lifter Pro available for instant download anywhere in the world. Also get instant access to the following bonuses:

...PLUS get a set of resistance training bands absolutely FREE!

Your Discounted Price: $53 $17
(just pay $7.95 S&H within the continental USA. Additional charges will apply to international addresses)
Can you imagine… just 19 days from now… waking up with a bum you’ll love looking at in workout pants…
That finally fills out your pants, whichever pair you’re wearing.
It’s all possible with the gentle, follow-along videos inside Glute Lifter Pro. The gentle booty sculpting workouts are only 6 minutes each, just 2-3 times per week.
Your Package Includes:
But wait, there’s one more thing. As a thank you for showing up and viewing today’s presentation…
You’ll also get these three FREE bonus gifts if you act today.
Glute Mini Bands
Full Set Shipped to Your Doorstep
($39 Value — Yours FREE)

This is the “multiplier” I’ve been mentioning. It takes the incredible butt-building power of Glute Lifter Pro… and makes it even better.
When you join us today, I’ll rush-ship my favorite brand to your doorstep -- completely on my dime.
You read that right: FREE Glute Mini Bands for every fitness level (just pay for shipping & handling).
Meaning, you’re just one click away from the tight butt you’ve always dreamed of.
But we’re still not finished, because with this next key ingredient…
You can scientifically speed up the progress of your Glute Lifter Pro program:
“The Best-Rest Book: 20 Easy Sleep Techniques to Reduce Disease Risk & Energize Your Life”
($19 Value — Yours FREE)

You probably know you should get more sleep. The groggy mornings, sluggish afternoons, and all-around fatigue many feel is an easy sign to read…
What you may not know is: sleeping less than 8 hours puts you at higher risk of cancer, Alzheimer’s, increased inflammation, low libido, and diabetes.[10]
Lucky for you, when you grab your copy of Glute Lifter Pro today, you’ll get my 32-page better sleep eBook completely FREE… so you can lower your disease risk, and feel better everyday.
It’s called: “The Best-Rest Book: 20 Easy Sleep Techniques to Reduce Disease Risk & Energize Your Life.”
What’s more, better sleep is PROVEN to increase your muscle gains… so all the booty-sculpting moves in your new program will work better and faster.
Normally, this eBook would retail for $19…
But because I’m doing everything in my power to help you transform your glutes in the next 19-days… and well beyond…
You get it completely FREE, as an extra tool to unlock your best buns.
A truly perfect supplement to Glute Lifter Pro -- I recommend you tear into it immediately…
So you can begin sleeping your way to better glutes tonight.
($29 Value — Yours FREE)

When I convinced my wife I wasn’t crazy for giving away the free set of Glute Mini bands…
I started thinking: “If you have a set of special bands, why not get the MOST out of them?”
So I put together this additional bonus with 45 more band exercises — for your whole body…
So you can gently firm your core & upper body… in just a few more minutes each day.[11]
This special banded bonus normally sells for $29. Today, it’s yours free.
Together, this exclusive trio of bonuses sells for $87 -- but today…
You get them completely free of charge.
Wouldn’t you agree?
Good Deal
Instant Access to Digital Version ONLY

Get a digital copy of the Glute Lifter Pro available for instant download anywhere in the world. Also get instant access to the following bonuses:

Download it to your computer, tablet, or smartphone for instant access today!
Your Discounted Price: $17
Best Deal
FREE Mini Bands Shipped!
Instant Access to Digital Version

Get a digital copy of the Glute Lifter Pro available for instant download anywhere in the world. Also get instant access to the following bonuses:

...PLUS get a set of resistance training bands absolutely FREE!

Your Discounted Price: $53 $17
(just pay $7.95 S&H within the continental USA. Additional charges will apply to international addresses)
Yet it gets better because you have 60 days to try it, risk-free.
You’re Protected By My 60-Day
“Better Booty Guarantee”
You can simply say “maybe” to the Glute Lifter Pro today by clicking the “Buy Now” button below.
Once you’ve done that, you can begin viewing the video trainings, the follow along guides, the bonus trainings, and the other items included.
Use them yourself, and if you don’t start to notice rounder, stronger, more lifted glutes within the first 60 days...
Simply send an email to, or call 1-888-291-2430 (toll free in the USA and Canada), or send SMS to 1-888-229-4992 and I’ll refund your entire investment no questions asked.
I’m carrying all the risk here, and I’m not worried about it one bit.
As I’ve shown you today, this is about transforming your glutes into a strong, sexy bum you’re proud to show off… without jeopardizing your joints.
So go ahead and click the button below — to get started unlocking the perkier, rounder, sexier glutes you’ve always wanted.
Don’t let this opportunity pass you by.
Click the button below now to select your preferred product bundle.
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Instant Access to Digital Version ONLY

Get a digital copy of the Glute Lifter Pro available for instant download anywhere in the world. Also get instant access to the following bonuses:

Download it to your computer, tablet, or smartphone for instant access today!
Your Discounted Price: $17
Best Deal
FREE Mini Bands Shipped!
Instant Access to Digital Version

Get a digital copy of the Glute Lifter Pro available for instant download anywhere in the world. Also get instant access to the following bonuses:

...PLUS get a set of resistance training bands absolutely FREE!

Your Discounted Price: $53 $17
(just pay $7.95 S&H within the continental USA. Additional charges will apply to international addresses)
(NO Charge When You Click -- You Can Review Your Order Before It’s Final)
But don’t forget: nobody — no matter how strong — does everything alone…
Which is why I’m adding in one final bonus:
($19 Value — Yours FREE)
Join the 4,000 plus members of my secret Facebook coaching group…
And you’ll gain access to a community of like-minded folks... each of them taking steps to eliminate pain, lose excess weight & add strength.
There are people of every age and background. This highly interactive group means you can ask questions to me, Rick Kaselj…
And also interact with thousands of other members, for more support in your journey.
With all 4 bonuses, you’re looking at a combined $125 in FREE gifts, if you join as one of the first 170 customers today.
Together with Glute Lifter Pro ($99 Value), the total value here is nearly $225.
But because it’s my mission to bring this to as many people as possible…
You’ll pay nowhere near that today.
With nothing to lose, and firmer, rounder, more attractive glutes to gain… in just 19 days…
Why wait a second longer?
This exclusive offer is only available
to the first 170 customers TODAY
Look: you know I’m a man of my word.
So when I say we only have 170 Glute Mini Band Kit to give away with a whopping 1,000+ people likely seeing this page today…
It’s the cold-hard truth.
Yet the spectacular news is if this page loaded, we’ve reserved a Glute Mini Band for you.
All you have to do is click the button below.
And if you’re still on the fence…
I get it.
Believe me, I know the frustration. The secret jealousy of watching a friend or family member with perfect genes eat whatever they want and still stay toned.
You might relate: watching from the sidelines, wondering when it’s finally going to be “your turn”.
The answer is today.
For a measly $17, you’ll get the entire Glute Lifter Pro system and finally give yourself the gift of a slimmer, stronger rear -- in just 19 days.

And since you’re covered for 60 days, you have nothing to lose...
Except the perkier, rounder, sexier glutes waiting to be unlocked with your copy of Glute Lifter Pro.
Click the "Buy Now" button below to get started while I can still send you your FREE mini bands:
Good Deal
Instant Access to Digital Version ONLY

Get a digital copy of the Glute Lifter Pro available for instant download anywhere in the world. Also get instant access to the following bonuses:

Download it to your computer, tablet, or smartphone for instant access today!
Your Discounted Price: $17
Best Deal
FREE Mini Bands Shipped!
Instant Access to Digital Version

Get a digital copy of the Glute Lifter Pro available for instant download anywhere in the world. Also get instant access to the following bonuses:

...PLUS get a set of resistance training bands absolutely FREE!

Your Discounted Price: $53 $17
(just pay $7.95 S&H within the continental USA. Additional charges will apply to international addresses)
Yours in stronger glutes,
Rick Kaselj
Exercises for Injuries
P.S. My warehouse currently has only 170 Mini Band Kits to give away with our breakthrough Glute Lifter Pro. All you have to do is tell me where to send it!
With it, you get access to my most anticipated glute-toning system to date -- for less than the price of a movie ticket...
A 6-minute sculpt sequence to gently transform your glutes — using the little-known 4th Glute Dimension most trainings miss.
Click here to get started now...
P.P.S. I’m so confident you’ll love every second of Glute Lifter Pro, I want you to try it risk-free for 60 days. You literally risk nothing, other than missing out on a major turning point in your health & physique.
It’s time.
Why go on this journey all alone, when you can click the button below to join us now:
Good Deal
Instant Access to Digital Version ONLY

Get a digital copy of the Glute Lifter Pro available for instant download anywhere in the world. Also get instant access to the following bonuses:

Download it to your computer, tablet, or smartphone for instant access today!
Your Discounted Price: $17
Best Deal
FREE Mini Bands Shipped!
Instant Access to Digital Version

Get a digital copy of the Glute Lifter Pro available for instant download anywhere in the world. Also get instant access to the following bonuses:

...PLUS get a set of resistance training bands absolutely FREE!

Your Discounted Price: $53 $17
(just pay $7.95 S&H within the continental USA. Additional charges will apply to international addresses)
Still on the Fence?
Let Me Answer a Few More
Questions For You
Why should I buy Glute Lifter Pro, over other glute programs?
Most glute programs emphasize heavy squats and lunges, which put your back and knees in danger of injury.[12] They teach constant cardio, which doesn’t build size or shape. Other programs also completely neglect the 4th Glute Dimension, which is critical to building your roundest, strongest, firmest butt. Glute Lifter Pro contains 30 gentle movements, specifically designed to target this hidden dimension.
Who is this program suitable for?
Glute Lifter Pro is suitable for anyone who wants a bigger, healthier and stronger backside.
Whether you are 30 or 60 years old, have knee problems, or have never set foot in the gym… these easy, glute-activating exercises will unlock your true glute potential and build that round butt you’ve always wanted.
How long does it take to complete the full program? Will I see results in that time?
Work these gentle movements into your schedule for just 6 minutes a day, a few times a week… and you can see incredible results in as little as 19 days. (Remember: you are guaranteed to see results, or your money back.) Your copy includes extra, more advanced moves should you wish to take your improvements to the next level.
Do I need any equipment or gym membership to follow the program?
You can perform each 6-minute sequence inside Glute Lifter Pro at home, on your schedule. You don’t need a fancy gym membership, or a personal trainer, because you can easily work these quick movements into your daily routine.
What you’ll need is a set of Glute Mini Bands, which I’m throwing in for free if you order today. You will also need other inexpensive items like an aerobic stepper, which you can purchase at most sporting goods stores. Some of the exercises will also require the use of a chair and stairs (alternative to the aerobic stepper). How to use these items will be covered in the program so you know exactly how to do the exercises safely and effectively. Note that even if you do not have these items, exercise modifications and exercise alternatives are provided in detail.
What if I’m a beginner when it comes to fitness?
Glute Lifter Pro is designed for everyone – even total beginners who have never done a squat before. I’ve designed the program to be super simple and easy for everyone to follow.
The Assessment Video helps you determine where to start and what to focus on for maximum (and safe) glute growth. And the 15 high-definition training videos guide you through each glute-lifting movement step-by-step, so you never feel lost and get the full glute-activating power each exercise contains.
What if I Don’t Like My Results?
I’m confident you’ll like your results, and be enjoying a bigger, rounder, tighter booty in as little as 19 days. But if you don’t… you’re covered by my 60-Day Better Booty Guarantee.
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