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WARNING: Do NOT Start The “Unlock Your Tight Shoulders” Program You Just Purchased...Without These 3 FREE DVDs
The Ultimate Add-On To Quicken Relief In
Your Mid-Back, Hips & Shoulders...
...Morning, Noon & Night!
These 3 DVDs, which you can get for FREE, can help you do just that:
(WARNING: This is a one-time offer, which expires as soon as you leave this page.)
Let me send this package of 3
(physical) DVDs to your home…

Here’s Exactly What You Get With Your 3 DVD Package:
50 Filler Exercises (DVD Program)
This revolutionary recovery program speeds up pain relief by using progressive stretching to address muscle imbalances and other causes of tightness. You will “set the stage” for your body to maximize the results of your core workouts...it’s like a turbo boost towards the pain-free finish line.
You will feel like Rick is in the room with you, showing you precisely what to do and how it should feel for all 50 movements.
These simple, easy-to-follow movements are great for unlocking the critical areas of your mid-back, tight hips and quads.
Exercises for Stronger Joints [2 DVD SET]
The secret to happy joints isn’t supplements, fancy therapy, or perfect dieting...NO. Can you guess what it is? Your own bodyweight! That’s right, when you know how to properly use your bodyweight (and nothing else) you are on the fast track to happy, pain-free joints.
This 2-DVD program is easily the fastest way I know of to educate your joints. Just like learning math, you didn’t “get it” on your own. Somebody taught you! And that’s what we do inside “Exercises For Stronger Joints”.
Inside the 5 chapters, you will use 13 bodyweight exercises to educate your ankles, knees, hips, back, shoulder, and head area — into good, stabilized alignment for less pain.
Invincible Body Academy 14-Day Trial
You will get free access to Rick’s “Invincible Body Academy” for 14 days. Thousands use the Academy to become the healthiest version of themselves. Inside, you will access premium content to help you towards your fitness goals while minimizing the risk of injury.
After the 14-day trial period, you’ll continue to have access to the Invincible Body Academy, with new modules, content, interviews, workouts, and more, available to you every month, all for a small monthly investment of just $47. To avoid credit card charges, you can cancel your access before the end of your 14-day free trial period by emailing us at support@ExercisesForInjuries.com and we will process your request, no questions asked.
I invite you to join this health-conscious group of people improving their lives.
I invite you to accelerate the amazing results you’ll get from the “Unlock Your Tight Shoulders” program you purchased.
All I ask, is that you help me with the small shipping and handling cost for the 3 DVDs I’m going to ship to your doorstep — it’s just $7.95.
Total Value: $58
This Page Only: FREE!
No thanks. I understand that after I leave this page, this offer will never be made available to me again at any price, even if I wish to pay more. I will pass on this forever.
Need More Proof? |
Here’s what a Missoula, MT exercise trainer says:
Hey Rick,
I implemented all of your 50 Filler Exercises with all of my clients and have noticed a huge difference on recovery and mobility in a very short time. The course was well worth it!!
Rick Lionello
Personal Trainer specializing in Corrective Exercise and Senior Fitness
Missoula, Montana
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